
Timer circuit diagrams

555 timer Mono stable (one shot) circuit
555 timer Mono stable (one shot) circuit
August 8, 2010

The two circuits illustrate using the 555 timer to close a relay for a predetermined amount of time by pressing a momentary N/O push button. The circuit on the left can be used for long... [more]

Generating a Delayed Pulse Using The 555 Timer
Generating a Delayed Pulse Using The 555 Timer
August 8, 2010

The circuit illustrates generating a single positive pulse which is delayed relative to the trigger input time. [more]

Power-On Time Delay Relay
Power-On Time Delay Relay
August 8, 2010

Here's a power-on time delay relay circuit that takes advantage of the emitter/base breakdown voltage of an ordinary bi-polar transistor. The reverse connected emitter/base junction of a 2N3904 transistor is used as an 8 volt... [more]

Power-Off Time Delay Relay
Power-Off Time Delay Relay
August 8, 2010

The two circuits illustrate opening a relay contact a short time after the ignition or ligh switch is turned off. The capacitor is charged and the relay is closed when the voltage at the diode... [more]

Midnight Security Light Circuit Schematic
Midnight Security Light Circuit Schematic
August 8, 2010

Most thefts happen after midnight hours when people enter the second phase of sleep called ‘paradoxical’ sleep. Here is an energy-saving circuit that causes the thieves to abort the theft attempt by lighting up the... [more]

circuit from:http://www.extremecircuits.net/2010/01/midnight-security-light-circuit.html

Safety Guard
Safety Guard
August 8, 2010

Protect your home appliances from voltage spikes with this simple time delay circuit. Whenever power to the appliances is switched on or resumes after mains failure, the oscillator starts oscillating and D5 blinks. This continues... [more]

circuit from:http://www.extremecircuits.net/2009/07/safety-guard.html

A Bedside Lamp Timer Circuit Schematic
A Bedside Lamp Timer Circuit Schematic
August 8, 2010

The purpose of this circuit is to power a lamp or other appliance for a given time (30 minutes in this case), and then to turn it off. It is useful when reading at bed... [more]

circuit from:http://www.extremecircuits.net/2009/12/bedside-lamp-timer-circuit-schematic.html

A Very Useful Timed Beeper Circuit Schematic
A Very Useful Timed Beeper Circuit Schematic
August 8, 2010

This circuit is intended for alerting purposes after a certain time is elapsed. It is suitable for table games requiring a fixed time to answer a question, or to move a piece etc. In this... [more]

circuit from:http://www.extremecircuits.net/2009/12/very-useful-timed-beeper-circuit.html

Amplifier Timer Circuit Schematic
Amplifier Timer Circuit Schematic
August 8, 2010

This circuit turns-off an amplifier or any other device when a low level audio signal fed to its input is absent for 15 minutes at least. Pushing P1 the device is switched-on feeding any appliance... [more]

circuit from:http://www.extremecircuits.net/2010/01/amplifier-timer-circuit-schematic.html

Jogging Timer Circuit Diagram
Jogging Timer Circuit Diagram
August 8, 2010

This circuit was developed since a number of visitors of this website requested a timer capable of emitting a beep after one, two, three minutes and so on, for jogging purposes. As shown in the... [more]
